martedì 5 ottobre 2010

Dancing in the rain

Made some more changes today but here is the basic outline of the projection... am trying to put jolie Coquine in now! (the song that is)

mercoledì 1 settembre 2010

Really not happy with this one, but is it ok if I finish it properly at school with the other materials and things that I don't have at home?
concentrate on the top right hand corner... its the only thing a like apart frm the flag and the coke can

martedì 31 agosto 2010

Work in Progress

I am really unsure of this... I really don;t like it, but there are small parts i like so have no clue how its going!

lunedì 30 agosto 2010

plan i guess

giovedì 26 agosto 2010

work in progress of the old studio project

domenica 22 agosto 2010

Double page on my week dancing in London!

The other painting is a self portrait from the pilgrimage.

venerdì 6 agosto 2010

Terrible photo, will upload a better one later. Basically some quick pencil sketches of other pilgrims and the oil pastel shells was a sign saying 114km which didn;t make much sense. The shell is the symbol of santiago de compostela. This is when we crossed the border from Valença to Tui

martedì 3 agosto 2010


through the forests

This page I did mostly off photos and the writing that is on the road is a note I found under a rock. I'm still trying to figure out what it all says but it is addessed to God. It was really scary really because that was supposed to be our hardest day in the woods and after the first 5km we found a note sayin basically that someone didn't think they could make it past that day. In these woods we starting seeing other pilgrims (funnily they were all dutch so were talking to the zonderlands the entire time!) This was the day we went up 400m to climb over a 'hill'. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos of the other pilgrims in the forest.

The Note top left. I figured it out:
Dear God,
I am really really struggling this time and don't know if I will make it all the way. My *requested prayers are simple, to keep my family safe and will do that I will make the right choices with my partner GLC
Send someone nice please. I continue

sabato 31 luglio 2010

(pic left is baby bob!) this page is a little disaster...oh well... I decided after this to try to stick to pen!

venerdì 30 luglio 2010

Ok I am slowly putting some of my pages up... even the bad ones. These are just the start of my Pilgrim walk to Santiago de Compostela
Notes are missing on these photos and my computer memory is full so it might take a while for the next ones to go up. Also I've completely forgotten how to draw or paint at the moment so the black and white pen sketch I'm proud of at the moment! First sign of drawing again :D

lunedì 24 maggio 2010

Tipo di Car...

RICCARDO POCCI! Hope you like him (he is awesome)